Thursday, May 27, 2010

Perception is Everything

Nature is the reality that we give it. I may see something one way, and somebody may see something in a totally opposite parallel. So many things in society are based upon things that we see, but everything that we see has been constructed for us. The values we have are constructed by our parents and friends, our actions have been constructed by the wrongs and rights of society. I have recently been told I need to wear glasses because words and pictures have become blurry; have the words really become more blurry, or are they actually more clear now? Has my mind been constructed to think that when the words are blurry they are essentially "clear" and easy to read, but when they are actually clear do I perceive them differently? I will never be able to know, because my mind has been fabricated to think this way, molded by the hands of society. In history, and currently there has been so many issues over racism, people discriminating against colour. How can we discriminate against each other if we're all apprehending things discordantly? I may see the colour blue, and somebody else may see the colour red. Therefore, nobody should discriminate because of the colour of ones skin, because you may not actually be seeing the right colour, in fact you may have the skin colour that you are trying to discriminate against but your brain has trained itself to think otherwise. No human has the ability to see things how they genuinely are. Everybody has been fashioned to think a certain way at some point in their life. There is no such thing as beautiful. People often base their opinions on beauty from what they see, although this is complete idiocy because you aren't actually seeing the reality. I might see beautiful blond hair and gleaming white teeth, but in reality I'm only seeing what I wish to view, what I think I should be seeing, what I have been told to see. Nobody knows what they are actually seeing, or touching, or feeling, or hearing, or tasting. We only know these sensations through what we are told to know about them. Nature is the reality that we give it, perceived differently to each eye.

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