Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How To Do a Pirouette:

1) You will need to find a wide open space, preferably without a very sticky or slippery floor, and definitely no carpet. This will ensure you not to get hurt if you fall or stumble.

2) Next place your feet one in front of another about a foot length away; this will vary with foot size and body type. Now that your feet are apart make sure they are turned out (toes facing away from each other towards the sides of your body, this may be slightly uncomfortable but is very necessary) Make sure that the foot that is placed in front is the one that is easiest for you to balance on.

3) Now take your arm that is opposite to your foot in front, and raise it to belly button height, palm facing to the ground. Your arm should be straight, but not overextended.

4) Bring your other arm to the same height, but out towards the side palm facing the ground. The arm should be straightened like your other one.

5) Straighten your back, put your shoulders back and keep your core tightened.

6) Before you get ready to turn you need to make sure your hips are placed evenly between your feet to balance your weight (if weight isn't placed properly you will most likely fall out of your pirouette).

7) As you begin to prepare for the pirouette you bend you knees and push off of your back foot (the amount of push needed depends on how many pirouettes you'd like to do). Simultaneously your front arm opens, and your torso will start to turn in the same direction.

8) The foot that you pushed off of will come to a retire position (leg bent, knee facing to the side while your toe is pointing just above your opposite knee), while your rise onto the metatarsals of your other foot. Your arms will have snapped into a position with them both rounded facing towards your stomach at belly button height (will look like a circle).

9) While turning around your head needs to "spot"; look at your destination as long as possible before needing to whip your head back around to see the destination point once again (this will also stop you from getting dizzy)

10) When you have completed as many rotations as you desire (or you can manage to balance for) take the leg that is bent to your knee and place it back on the ground. Your arms will open slightly to this sides but keep rounded.

11) Smile, you have just completed a pirouette!

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