Thursday, February 4, 2010


If I could have any superpower in the world, I would choose the ability to hear what people are thinking. Hearing people's thoughts and ideas would make sure that you were always hearing the truth, whether people say it out loud or not. With the capacity to read minds I would also like the capability to be able to decide when I can hear peoples thoughts, because sometimes I may hear things that also are very unpleasant, and unnecessary. If I ever had to write a test in school, I could sit next to the smartest person in the class and listen to them think of all the answers, making me come out as the genius. Never would anybody keep a secret from me again. Hearing peoples thoughts is a power that could never malfunction, unlike being able to fly. If I were able to fly, yes it would be great to go wherever, whenever; but what if a plane couldn't see me coming and they flew right into me!? Or if I were able to teleport, and mid-teleport I got caught in a transporting abyss, stuck between the place I came from and the destination I was ending up in. In my personal opinion, hearing peoples thoughts is the greatest superpower to have.

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